|<illing []bsession - The story ends...

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Joined: Apr 2005

Joined: Apr 2005
|<illing []bsession - The story ends...
H Q wrote:

I never thinked before about closing KO I always wanted make out of it the best clan ever in history of whole q3, well the things aint going as that I wished like:

- per person morale dropped to 0, some persons work on my nerves, I don’t feel like in home, with friends where I’m having fun out of anything. I can’t kick out my brother out of family, it’s to hard and painful, and they aint willing to change anything so unfortunaly we aint have much of choice
- the thing with multiclaning, now u still think it was healthy for ko? I am strongly convinced it started to work on wrong morale in clan and slowly killing us inside, u know mine opinion, that’s the time is really presses and whole player effort should be focused on 1clan if he want build something unique and strong
- don’t know what u thinked about me, some of u already do know that after new year I will completely stop communicate with all, ppl who know me long enought, I hope so, understand me, I cant avoid pain if I will stay with ko. I am last standing builder of this clan and his ideas, I tried my best to put a life in ko witch will remain for ever without me, but seems the clan missing the strong person like Zyzio was, and I have impression no 1 want take heavy weight on his shoulders

So now we standing under grave which we dig by our own hands, I am really sorry for our fresh members but it looks like decision is already made, as Trance said pick ur clans wisely, don’t go to strong ones, pick weakest possible clans u can pick, and put whole ur effort there. If u want u can also make a group of old ko members and start new clan with new colors new tag for example AiA (animals in action, it was mine and diesel team for 2v2 freeze tournament in old days)

I feel like i did fail, i did wanted to create something that everyone will remember, but mine personal problems take from me way more attention, i am with u all till 30.12.2007, and since that date I will disappear.

kek wrote:

So this is it...after 3.5 years of existance KO decided to call its quits. I'm pretty sure most of you will ask the inevitable question, the "why?". Well there is not a sole reason for this decision but a multitude of various factors that made this happen. Factors such as getting bored of the same old things, getting bored of the lack of serious competition, or just getting bored of the game itself. The way I personally see it is like when you have nothing more to look forward to, to motivate you and to give you that adrenaline rush, then you have died inside and it's only a matter of time till you die on the outside as well. This pretty much sums up our story in the past few months. But in NO WAY this was the result of any kind of internal fights etc. KO was not just a team, it was something like a family with very strong bonds between its members and I think this was one of our strongest traits as a team...just remember there is no I in TEAM

I have spent a great time amongst the KO family with our ups and downs, with our moments of glory and moments of disappointment with countless hours of good times on servers/TS/irc. These moments will always have a special place in my memory...I would like to thank all the KO members for everything and everybody else who showed us support/respect. As for our haters I guess now they can finally take out the champagne but I'm sure it will have a bitter taste...

How will this influence the community in general? Well some said it might have a negative impact as some clans will no longer have that "pride enemy" to hunt down, but I think the opposite. This could actually be a big boost of will and motivation for many clans on the rising or the current strong clans as they will all fight for the crown of E+. I would actually be happy to see this happening as it would surely liven up things around here...

Personally, I will not be playing that much, as I have already stopped playing seriously since September last year....but if one day I am to become active again there is only 1 other clan I would go to, (ofc if they take me in) and that is DRT. That's where it started for me, that's where it should end. Greets to you guys btw.

Greetz, Trance

drill@quakelive wrote:

All time when we played games, sticked together i realy
couldn't image that one day i will write some words about this case.
I felt I will leave KO sooner, or just work will totaly eats my time
and i will be moustly inactive. These ideas i got cause i tought, KO,
such strong clan should live for a next long time.
Now, when time came, it is beeing very weird feel to write here about
closing. I'm pretty sure some of us don't know how to start,
or just what to write. I can write a lot of pages about our plans
in game, how steps we did, how we prepared for cws, traninings, etc...
This things can write someone of us. Yes, each of us have different
views or just adapt on situations for whole time. And each of us
recieved others from trainings, from cws. I won't write here
in this way, cause all these things have same final target. Target,
what i'm talking about is : better playing, or just recieving game
skills. In game like Quake 3 it is very important. Ofcourse, cause if
you in team and playing game your team-mates are your support and
Me as person who spent some time in Killing Obsession, can say
i'm learned more like playing game Q3 with KO. When i joined my prioirty
was to get better to push as maximal possible support for team. It was
my first priority, lately i started caring about each persons.
I wanted more know each from team, talked with them and have best
relations as was possible. After that we started talking more about
real life like q3. We consulted about things over irc, each of us
showed his own opinions to actuall discussion. In this way, people
sending and recieving informations and some kind of life skill.
These things will Quake 3 never learn you. You can only live them or
just read what your mate lived and giving to you as next experience.
And yes, i noticed by some time these things are more important for me,
than playing Q3 only.
Much showed me meeting in Warsow too, when i was with friends
who i like. I really spent great time there, i had chance to talk and
gain more experiences by helping these people. In this way, i started
like KO as team, cause i found good friends there. When I had bad days
they tried to change to good one, when I had troubles they tried to
understand me and help me. Helping these things KO became to me like
more then team, they become something like family.
As i wrote above, ko is closing, we quiting excessive plus mod as
Killing Obsession team, but me personaly still going to visit irc channel,
cause i have very good friends there with i can talk with any problem,
have fun and kind of support too.
I'm not quiting e+ mod at all,you will see me sometimes on some e+ servers
for future - not be often, but it still will be, ofc clanless.

Don't know what will happend with other clans over e+. Maybe im wrong,
maybe not but i thnik for some teams ko was priority target. They had
activity to play against us, chances to take our positions in
ranking, etc. These things still kept clans to play more or with more
taste. As i said im not sure but something will change.

With honest greet

Cash wrote:

I play in e+ 4 years, i remember this little mod where was only 1 server for 1v1 game and it wasn’t working every day.
it was nice time.
First time i play without mod, and i remember some people think that i am cheater Big grin.

H Q wrote:

another player nick "cash" i talk with him is a noob

My first clan was ALC, it lived not for long but there was nice players and i had fun there. Then was KO, now it looks lol but when hq and zyzio ask me to join ko, i did not agree at first. After ALC was closed i thought about stop playing and quit or just play without clan, who knows maybe i could have stopped playing 4 years ago Smug.

But i joined ko and i must say thx you guys for this great time that i had with u, for all the happy times and troubles, for many emotions what i had with u in these 4 years. When to end game remained 20 sec and difference in score was 1-2 frags it's unforgettable feeling Big grin.
Quake 3 is a nice game and Excessive Plus mod is the best one, but it's only game and hard play in this game all you life. I will remember forever some moments with u guys, ohh so many fun times we had there Big grin, so many pranks and jokes on TS Big grin
Now i will stop play in e+ and I will not join some other clan, maybe some games with RNT but not so much...

so i will not write here many words just want say thanks to:

of course all members KO

evol.wax - it was first man whom i met in e+
evol.gluon - i remember every day in the same time we come to 1v1 server and play, it's continue 1 week or 2, every day Big grin
Gates - thx 2 u for ALC clan
hard.swe - respect for skill
poitner - i not forgot u man Happy
(HK)Casablanca - for gtv in e+
lemon*atwa - do u remember who is gauntlet master? Big grin
Rena - respect for nationals teams newspapers and other organizations
Hellfire - if u some day will read this Smug

ofc wanna say thx to RNT and russian players in e+

special for who i see in real life Smug


also respect to the strongest clans in e+

evol clan
mr clan
swe clan
drt clan
lemon clan
2!Sweet clan

gl, hf

officiallydead wrote:

Well, I have never been good at writing down my thoughts about anyhting.
But this time I feel its my duty to write them down....
First of all, I want to thank my dear ko mates who accepted me joining the clan and being
a part of it...Even it was a few months, but it felt like 2 years..
U all know I have been in many clans but somehow I never had such a good chemistry with a clan, apart from KO..
All members, without any exceptions, even the uglygayperson flex was just cool...
I truly never had such a laugh in a clan...
A clan which embodies strength,motivation, and fairness are rarely imo...
It might sound extremely but for me it's not..

What does it mean to be a KO?

Being a KO, doestn mean, putting the tag, showing off with it....
It's a life attitude in my view...
Trying to be strong, clever, not putting someone down because he missed an easy shot or whatever and the most
significant point is that KO plays fair..
We give chances to anybody, we dont pick our enemies, they pick us..
Fw or not, we try to win, keeping it friendly and funny match!!

I am not sure how to express myself about being ko...
We all know that , good things come to an end...
KO has a good reputation,good statistics, its one of the best or even the best clan in E+
This shouldnt sound arrogant or whatever...

I was lucky and had the great chance to be involved in KO,
playing with Marcus, our ctf-freak, Drill , the moviemaker Winking
HQ the aimbotter, Trance, our organizer, Flex our blowjober joke our best men refering to cfg's
ASM our sexual therapeut, Cash the living Terminator on dm17, Driv the biker,
Tass the maniac, Heat the living burner Winking, Sriam the Multijumper Winking
Triv the looser :PP THA PLAYER Happy
hopefully i didnt forget anyone...

Each person, has worthwhile characteristics, humor ...its just a life experience I would say...

Concerning the KO quitting...
It was hard to be honest...
Nothing makes really sense anymore...
Feeling lost in space or in e+...

But i had to be ...

All I can wish my fellow ko mates.

All the best in their life... would it be sex, drugs, water, beer, money, chicks whatever...
I really wish it to anyone !!!

Thank you all for ur patience ur incredible nice behaviour as far as serious issues are concerned..

Viva La KO!!!!

You always will be in my heart!!!

P.s I will be aroun on servers Winking

triv' wrote:

Dear excessiveplus community

Its realy sad for me and not easy for me that killing obsession is gone now. But we germans say: "Whenever it is best, you should stop." Its was a realy nice time with you killing obsession. I will always remember the nice time and the nice games i had/played with you.It was always a dream for me to become member of killing obsession and i am glad i did become one. Also i am very happy to made such nice experience during this time.
ko's good luck and hafe fun in your real life and in all you will do in the future.
Special Thanks to
and all my other friends
who made it possible to become killing obsession (even if they were not directly involved) and had such a great time here in excessiveplus. I will not quit the game completely but i stay clanless for the first time now maybe i will be clannless foreever but i do not no that at the moment. I will continue playing this game for fun and if someone needs me for an mixed team fw i will be in.

your triv

ZyZIO wrote:

Ending of K[] Clan it is sad Truth.
It was nice time playing with all K[] members and another ppl on quake 3 excessive+ mod.
When we was starting K[] with HQ we want playing and win becouse we loving it.
We made it all together ...
Thanks all K[] members for support ang nice time ...
One more time Good Game for u all ...
It was nice to meet all of U ...

Sriam wrote:

Though i havent been that long in Ko , i can say that i got a friend of everyone in Ko.
Thats why i will miss ko a lot , the nice jokes and the funny trash talk .
The nicest of Ko was , when i was needing help they did for example when i had problems with my father , they have been like a family to me .
Really cool Ko , you dont know just to play games you even know how to behave and how to help.
Ko is for me the best clan ever and should be the ideal for every clan!

I will miss u my Kos Sad
Cu ur SRiAM

FEL!X wrote:

Well it’s hard to write farewell words in such a short time, but life forces me to write it in last moment

At first i want to thank all my m8s from ko and all people who supported us (ko) and me:

3 girls from e+ (Io, Dea, Atwa) - for supporting me, help, friendship, just for being
ofc the whole ko - for being like my second family
Mow Sil and Katipan - for supporting us with servers and ts channels rly big thx guys
Almost all clans and players from: e+, ufreeze, instagib
Rena for supporting in clan rank and other events
heh God, Mom, Dad and family for letting me be even if I’m the only child xD \a/
Id software and + team for quake3 and excessiveplus

I will explain what KO means for me, for sure its not only a clan but group of friends. Everyone is a great individuality. It was for me a great pleasure to play and be in great KO family. U will stay forever in my memories. Anyway its not the end of friendship so I wont cry : )

Marcus* l<[ wrote:

"]I never expected that day like this will come. Anyway I was wrong, and this is really sad news that the best excessiveplus clan goes down like a ship.

My story started 3 years ago. Brother installed quake3, we get internet connection. When I spotted that he start to play it I was so exicted that I couldn't eschew my self before playing. Hehe really funny times, when I joined server start to play and get raped 12:0. Of course my pride didnt let me to leave it as it was. I started to train hard, play everyday. I meet Zyzio then Hq, get some new advices which helped be alot. Then I joined ALC which I played few months. get new friends, new knowledge about the game. Then I get war arranger position and viceclan leader. I was very happy but it was this magic thing which I looked for. I always want to play with the best. Thats why I left clan and start tryout it KO. it was long way from newbie to KO player and I passed it sonner then I expected. Day by day, game by game I knew that practising gonna bring shape with I can beat anyone.

In KO I found fantastic players, great friends. Each of them is other, as many people as much characters. I know that I can trust them, and they know that can count on me in every situation. As clan we get almost what we wanted. We found time to try other mods with variable luck. Anyway KO in my eyes was/is one of the best harmonius team I ever saw, that why this end is sadder.

Hope we gonna met at arena.

Warren G
FELiX's picture
Joined: Sep 2004
|<illing []bsession - The story ends...

smth from myself

big up

Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
|<illing []bsession - The story ends...

i expected something like that, i just didnt know the point when u gonna do it.
anyways, its the end of a gr8 strong clan with 99 percent good sides, ko exist longer then i play q3 online.
no more words are needed to say, except that members and leaders did a good job to become best clan in e+.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
|<illing []bsession - The story ends...

Wow. I'm not sure what to say, guys.

K[] clan is a legend, and definitely is up there on the pedestal, with other clans which made E+ the great mod it is, like gen.x and wiz. It's one of those clans, to which both beginners and veterans look up to, wanting to play on the level of it's players.

Cheers for all the hard work that was put in the clan, and for many memorable games.


@HQ - you did create something everybody on this mod will remember. Don't feel like you failed, because you didn't. Big salute to you, and everyone else who kept pushing K[] forward.

LNx's picture
Joined: May 2006
|<illing []bsession - The story ends...

uh... its realy sad to hear that so good clan die. dunno that to say. gl and hf guys Winking

This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny to your signature help him gain world domination.

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.. [G.Orwell]

arghali's picture
Joined: Mar 2007
|<illing []bsession - The story ends...

My dream when i strat play here was to bit KO. Now They are a Legend. U will always live in our memory [*][*][*]

Furiat wrote:
..problems were with players and some wywalało. .....

luzer wrote:

ja via delete this forum plz ja tell term the create a new name AMG forum..

-VDTA-PJAX wrote:

from 26.07.08 to 31.12.9999

UFFAS * DSS wrote:

super last minute recruit join XD i saw bax was recruting like a tornado in last minutes

Simpson's picture
Joined: Nov 2006
|<illing []bsession - The story ends...

Dont know what to say.

I didnt expect that, and yes, its really bad for the new members like Triv or Sriam, which i both know good. I hope few of KO will stay active and begin some new thing.

Anyway GL and HF to all exmembers(!) of KO.

Greez Simpson

Phenom II X2 550 BE @ X4 @ 4x3.1Ghz 1.35v (Unlocked to Quad)
4GB DDR2 800 CL4
Sapphire HD6850 @930/1150Mhz

trivium's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
|<illing []bsession - The story ends...

my cfg

playing on
[mouse]: ie 3.0
[mousepad]: corepad eyepad xxl
[keyboard]: Steelseries 6gv2
[headphones]: SteelSeries Siberia v2
[monitor]: Samsung Syncmaster 1000s 21"

ghost wrote:

its the people whos piss me of not the game, im never ever played an game on wich all is perfect to mine preferences there are always things to wich im must get used and acept them as they are no mater i like them or not i will try to understand thier mechanism and use for mine adventage

GreekPecker's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
|<illing []bsession - The story ends...

What makes it very sad is the reasons that lead to this result (hardly a decision).


Zydas's picture
Joined: Dec 2006
|<illing []bsession - The story ends...

hmmm...i dont know good all from l<[] , but always all from KO was and now they are really great and nice players, im sad to heard it one of the best clan go down Sad ...I can say only GL in life and in game to everybody from l<[] :!: :!: Big grin :roll: